Bravo Indonesia, saya ucapkan Selamat kepada Negara Bangsa Indonesia dan seluruh rakyatnya yang telah melakukan Pemilihan Presiden pada tanggal 8 Juli 2009 dengan tenang dan damai.
Walaupun hasil resmi dari Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) belum diumumkan, tetapi berdasarkan Quick Count dan Exit Poll telah didapatkan gambaran hasil Pemilihan Presiden sebagai berikut:
Pasangan Jawa & Jawa, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono & Budiono memperoleh suara -/+ 62 %.
Pasangan Jawa & Jawa, Megawati Sukarno Putri & Prabowo Subianto memperoleh suara -/+ 28%.
Pasangan Luar Jawa & Jawa, Jusuf Kalla & Wiranto memperoleh suara -/+ 10%.
Mengingat perolehan suara ketiga pasangan tersebut di atas sangat berbeda jauh, maka apapun hasil resmi Komisi Pemilihan Umum dapat dipastikan tidak akan mengubah urutan kemenangan ketiga pasangan tersebut.
Terlihat bahwa Pasangan yang konon ideal yakni Pasangan Luar Jawa & Jawa, Jusuf Kalla & Wiranto hanya memperoleh suara yang sangat minim. Pasangan ini hanya menang di beberapa Propinsi di Pulau Sulawesi, pulau dimana Jusuf Kalla dilahirkan dan dibesarkan. Di Kawasan Luar Jawa lainnya Jusuf Kalla atau JK dan pasangannya tidak menang sama sekali yang berarti di Kawasan Timur Indonesiapun pasangan JK & Wiranto kurang penggemarnya.
Hal ini tentu menggembirakan yang berarti dikotomi Jawa & Luar Jawa semakin pupus dan berarti Selamat Tinggal Primordialisme.
Yang lebih menggembirakan pasangan JK & Wiranto yang pada akhir-akhir masa kampanye tampak didukung oleh para petinggi Islam rupanya pada Pemilihan Presiden diabaikan oleh wong cilik atau kaum akar rumput yang lebih memilih Nasionalisme Indonesia.
Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kehidupan politik di Indonesia telah dewasa dan independen.
Matinya Primodialisme dalam Pemilihan Presiden tentunya merupakan angin surga bagi Kawin Campur/Silang Beda Ras/Etnis/Suku Beda Agama/Keyakinan menuju Pembauran Sejati.
Kamis, 09 Juli 2009
Jumat, 03 Juli 2009
Different Religion Mix Married
In Indonesia Different Ethnic/Race/Tribe Mix Married with Same Religion seems easier than going Different Religion/Faith Mix Married with Same Ethnic/Race/Tribe.
2 weeks ago, I attended the wedding reception of my sister away; wedding bless done in Jakarta Cathedral Church, but I did not present.
Mix Married of Different Religion Chinese fellow is given Dispensation by the Catholic Church, but not by the Non-Catholic Christian Church.
A matter of 'strange' happens when wedding bless will occur, the Christian Non-Catholics want to participate in the wedding bless ceremony. Thanks to the 'lobby' of Catholic bride to 3 Pastor who give blessing, the Non-Catholics allowed to participate, but not to make leadership in wedding bless. Then there were 'unique' wedding bless in which the Word of God is read by the Non-Catholics along with candle-wax. Consequently procession lasted for 2.5 hours.
At the wedding reception I try to get opinions from someone who is still family member of the Catholic bride, but he is Christian Non-Catholic. I say that the Catholic Church was quite tolerant of Different Religion Mix Married, but he said that should be the Word of God should be followed.
As a far I know the Catholic Church more support Same Catholic Married, but in fact to get same friend living faith is not easy going, so the Catholic Church come to be realistic: Marriage right is one of Human Rights, so Catholic Church provide exemption for Mix Married (Different Church and/or Different Religion). Is never mentioned Different Race/Ethnic/Tribe.
Before I also attended a friend's wedding bless who his father is Ambonese and his mother is Chinese which marry a Chinese maiden who is also the daughter of Young Priest of the Church. This same faith married is not get any obstacle/retention of Different Ethnic/Tribe from the two sides of the family.
Seems Different Religion Mix Married with Same Race/Ethnic/Tribe have more obstacles/retentions than Same Religion Mix Married with Different Race/Ethnic/Tribe.
Are you agree if someone said The Religion and who Religious Fanatics disturb flowing of Mix Married toward Truly Mixing? Please your comments to:
Please read also:
2 weeks ago, I attended the wedding reception of my sister away; wedding bless done in Jakarta Cathedral Church, but I did not present.
Mix Married of Different Religion Chinese fellow is given Dispensation by the Catholic Church, but not by the Non-Catholic Christian Church.
A matter of 'strange' happens when wedding bless will occur, the Christian Non-Catholics want to participate in the wedding bless ceremony. Thanks to the 'lobby' of Catholic bride to 3 Pastor who give blessing, the Non-Catholics allowed to participate, but not to make leadership in wedding bless. Then there were 'unique' wedding bless in which the Word of God is read by the Non-Catholics along with candle-wax. Consequently procession lasted for 2.5 hours.
At the wedding reception I try to get opinions from someone who is still family member of the Catholic bride, but he is Christian Non-Catholic. I say that the Catholic Church was quite tolerant of Different Religion Mix Married, but he said that should be the Word of God should be followed.
As a far I know the Catholic Church more support Same Catholic Married, but in fact to get same friend living faith is not easy going, so the Catholic Church come to be realistic: Marriage right is one of Human Rights, so Catholic Church provide exemption for Mix Married (Different Church and/or Different Religion). Is never mentioned Different Race/Ethnic/Tribe.
Before I also attended a friend's wedding bless who his father is Ambonese and his mother is Chinese which marry a Chinese maiden who is also the daughter of Young Priest of the Church. This same faith married is not get any obstacle/retention of Different Ethnic/Tribe from the two sides of the family.
Seems Different Religion Mix Married with Same Race/Ethnic/Tribe have more obstacles/retentions than Same Religion Mix Married with Different Race/Ethnic/Tribe.
Are you agree if someone said The Religion and who Religious Fanatics disturb flowing of Mix Married toward Truly Mixing? Please your comments to:
Please read also:
Barack Obama,
Christian Sugiono,
Hindu Bali,
Melting Pot,
Kamis, 02 Juli 2009
Kawin Campur Beda Agama
Di Indonesia Kawin Campur/Silang Beda Etnis/Ras/Suku, tetapi agamanya Sama tampaknya lebih mudah terjadi daripada Kawin Campur/Silang Satu Etnis/Ras/Suku Beda Agama/Keyakinan.
10 hari yang lalu, saya menghadiri resepsi pernikahan saudara jauh saya, pemberkatan pernikahan dilakukan di Gereja Kathedral Jakarta, tetapi saya tidak menghadirinya.
Kawin Campur Sesama Cina/Tionghoa Beda Agama ini diberikan Dispensasi oleh Gereja Katolik, tetapi tidak oleh pihak Gereja Kristen Non-Katolik.
Suatu hal yang 'aneh' terjadi saat pemberkatan pernikahan, pihak Non-Katolik ingin ikut serta dalam upacara pemberkatan pernikahan. Berkat 'lobby' mempelai wanita yang Katolik terhadap 3 Pastor yang memberkati, maka pihak Non-Katolik diperkenankan ikut serta, tetapi tidak untuk melakukan kepemimpinan dalam pemberkatan pernikahan. Maka terjadilah pemberkatan pernikahan yang 'unik' dimana Firman Tuhan dibacakan oleh pihak Non-Katolik disertai lilin-lilin. Alhasil prosesi berlangsung selama 2,5 jam.
Pada resepsi pernikahan saya coba mendapatkan opini dari seseorang yang masih anggota keluarga mempelai wanita yang Katolik, tetapi beragama Kristen Non-Katolik. Saya katakan bahwa Gereja Katolik cukup toleran terhadap Kawin Campur Beda Agama, tetapi dia menyatakan bahwa seharusnya Firman Tuhan Harus Diikuti.
Setahu saya Gereja Katolik lebih mendukung Perkawinan Seiman, tetapi berhubung untuk mendapatkan teman hidup seiman tidak selalu mudah terjadi, maka Gereja Katolik bersikap realistis: Mengingat hak nikah itu termasuk hak azasi manusia (HAM), maka Gereja Katolik memberikan Dispensasi untuk Perkawinan Campur (Beda Gereja dan/atau Beda Agama). Sama sekali tidak pernah disebutkan Beda Ras/Etnis/Suku.
Saya juga pernah menghadiri pemberkatan pernikahan teman yang ayahnya Ambon dan ibunya Cina dengan gadis Cina teman Satu Gereja yang juga merupakan putri Pendeta Muda Gereja yang bersangkutan. Perkawinan seiman ini tidak mengalami hambatan/retensi Beda Etnis/Suku dari kedua belah pihak keluarga.
Tampaknya Kawin Campur Beda Agama Satu Ras/Etnis/Suku lebih mengalami hambatan/retensi daripada Kawin Campur Satu Agama Beda Ras/Etnis/Suku.
Setujukah anda bila dikatakan bahwa Agama, Kaum Agamawan dan mereka yang Agama Fanatik dikatakan menghambat Kawin Campur/Silang menuju Pembauran Sejati? Please Email to:
Silakan baca juga:
10 hari yang lalu, saya menghadiri resepsi pernikahan saudara jauh saya, pemberkatan pernikahan dilakukan di Gereja Kathedral Jakarta, tetapi saya tidak menghadirinya.
Kawin Campur Sesama Cina/Tionghoa Beda Agama ini diberikan Dispensasi oleh Gereja Katolik, tetapi tidak oleh pihak Gereja Kristen Non-Katolik.
Suatu hal yang 'aneh' terjadi saat pemberkatan pernikahan, pihak Non-Katolik ingin ikut serta dalam upacara pemberkatan pernikahan. Berkat 'lobby' mempelai wanita yang Katolik terhadap 3 Pastor yang memberkati, maka pihak Non-Katolik diperkenankan ikut serta, tetapi tidak untuk melakukan kepemimpinan dalam pemberkatan pernikahan. Maka terjadilah pemberkatan pernikahan yang 'unik' dimana Firman Tuhan dibacakan oleh pihak Non-Katolik disertai lilin-lilin. Alhasil prosesi berlangsung selama 2,5 jam.
Pada resepsi pernikahan saya coba mendapatkan opini dari seseorang yang masih anggota keluarga mempelai wanita yang Katolik, tetapi beragama Kristen Non-Katolik. Saya katakan bahwa Gereja Katolik cukup toleran terhadap Kawin Campur Beda Agama, tetapi dia menyatakan bahwa seharusnya Firman Tuhan Harus Diikuti.
Setahu saya Gereja Katolik lebih mendukung Perkawinan Seiman, tetapi berhubung untuk mendapatkan teman hidup seiman tidak selalu mudah terjadi, maka Gereja Katolik bersikap realistis: Mengingat hak nikah itu termasuk hak azasi manusia (HAM), maka Gereja Katolik memberikan Dispensasi untuk Perkawinan Campur (Beda Gereja dan/atau Beda Agama). Sama sekali tidak pernah disebutkan Beda Ras/Etnis/Suku.
Saya juga pernah menghadiri pemberkatan pernikahan teman yang ayahnya Ambon dan ibunya Cina dengan gadis Cina teman Satu Gereja yang juga merupakan putri Pendeta Muda Gereja yang bersangkutan. Perkawinan seiman ini tidak mengalami hambatan/retensi Beda Etnis/Suku dari kedua belah pihak keluarga.
Tampaknya Kawin Campur Beda Agama Satu Ras/Etnis/Suku lebih mengalami hambatan/retensi daripada Kawin Campur Satu Agama Beda Ras/Etnis/Suku.
Setujukah anda bila dikatakan bahwa Agama, Kaum Agamawan dan mereka yang Agama Fanatik dikatakan menghambat Kawin Campur/Silang menuju Pembauran Sejati? Please Email to:
Silakan baca juga:
Angelica Sondakh,
Barack Obama,
Nafa Urbach,
Perbedaan Agama,
Rabu, 01 Juli 2009
China/Chinese, Arab Mixing
Title at the top should be added with Pakistan Mixing, India Mixing and so on. Title just want to show the existence of a quite significant different between the two.
Arab Mixing generally not problematic in Indonesia, probably because they are Moslem and the majority of Indonesian citizens also Islamite (Is this because the Khilafah Islamiyah?). Some of them even still the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Arab children's Mixing next married again with many other Indonesian citizens.
While China Mixing is generally not Moslem and a lot of Chinese children's Mixing married with the other children of Chinese Mixing or in the other words same hybrid hybrid marry। This is the cause as though Sustainable/Sustainability Mixing seems stopped in the place. So Truly Mixing in Chinese Community through Mixed Married as ideal aim is difficult to achieve.
White Mixing in Indonesia pattern is rather similar to the Arab Mixing, although many of them are non-Moslem.
While India Mixing pattern more similar to Chinese Mixing, but they are relatively small on population, so they rarely highlighted although they have their own temples and sometimes more introvert/solitaire than Chinese.
If you have a different view of this article please reply or can also directly contact to:
Very different views will be esteem highly. We are Unity in Diversity, aren't we?
Arab Mixing generally not problematic in Indonesia, probably because they are Moslem and the majority of Indonesian citizens also Islamite (Is this because the Khilafah Islamiyah?). Some of them even still the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Arab children's Mixing next married again with many other Indonesian citizens.
While China Mixing is generally not Moslem and a lot of Chinese children's Mixing married with the other children of Chinese Mixing or in the other words same hybrid hybrid marry। This is the cause as though Sustainable/Sustainability Mixing seems stopped in the place. So Truly Mixing in Chinese Community through Mixed Married as ideal aim is difficult to achieve.
White Mixing in Indonesia pattern is rather similar to the Arab Mixing, although many of them are non-Moslem.
While India Mixing pattern more similar to Chinese Mixing, but they are relatively small on population, so they rarely highlighted although they have their own temples and sometimes more introvert/solitaire than Chinese.
If you have a different view of this article please reply or can also directly contact to:
Very different views will be esteem highly. We are Unity in Diversity, aren't we?
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